Friday, October 15, 2010

One-Child Policy Spices Up Cannibalism in China

Due to popular demand to touch more on this heinous activity and the controversy it stirs, a continuation is in order...

See full size imageDr. Mark Miravalle possesses a doctorate degree in Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome.  An author of numerous books, he has been teaching at the Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1986.  As President of the international Catholic movement, Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici (Voice of the People for Mary Mediatrix), he has served members of the episcopal hierarchy with preliminary investigations for reported apparitions.  This guy rubs shoulders with The Pope (Kaututang Dila ni Santo Papa).  One cannot have any more credibility than that.

In his sobering book, The Seven Sorrows of China, Dr. Miravalle gives, in heart-wrenching detail, accounts of the brutality of the one-child policy and its effects on the Chinese people.

The following is an excerpt from Part III of Dr. Miravalle's book, entitled The Third Sorrow: Abortion Without Conscience: The Indoctrination of a Nation: "The most alarming," he writes, "the most depressing, the most Copernican revelation of all that I have been exposed to (including the yet more grisly examples to follow), is the repeated refrain that the great majority of the people in China have lost any concept that there is anything at all wrong with having an abortion. It is considered less significant than a flu shot, a minor procedure like going to the dentist, a simple solution to a simple problem that doesn't merit any soul searching for any alternative plans.

Save During Abt's Fall Sale"China has become a nation who without conscience aborts their own future generations. And this is Satan's ultimate victory here. Is this conscience loss regarding the transcendent dignity and inherent right of human life to be blamed exclusively on atheistic Communism? Have not the recent influences of Western morals of secular humanism, materialism, hedonism, and ultimately unmitigated egoism, also contributed to this Chinese terrorism of the womb? In any case, the combination amounts to self-inflicted Chinese genocide, which so saddens the God that creates and loves the ethnical uniqueness of China.

New macabre manifestations of this conscienceless abortion mentality include the recent opening of five restaurants, which began serving "fetal soup" at the price of 300Yuan (approximately $40) a bowl.  Recent medical publications have praised the exceptional health benefits for the consuming of "fetal remains".  Therefore, local entrepreneurs jumped on the opportunity to distribute this health breakthrough to the chosen few who could afford the price.  So evil and scandalous is this fetal soup trade that the Government shutdown the Web sites advertising the restaurants, in fear that they would scandalize the reputation of the People's Republic to outside countries and businesses.

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1 comment:

Ken Agustin said...

The book, The Seven Sorrows of China, can be seen on-line. Click on the link, zoom in on the page by clicking on the magnifying glass, then scroll down to page 30 to see the excerpt mentioned here...Just don't forget to feed my fish, please.
