Monday, December 7, 2009

I Had Sex With Tiger Woods

If you are good-looking, have a gorgeous body, white, female and you want to have a million dollars, come join the latest club: I Had Sex with Tiger Woods club. Announce to the world that you had an affair with Tiger and you earn free membership. Just beware of another club – Tiger’s golf club - which can smash your car’s windows into pieces if it ends up in the wrong hands – Elin’s.

Family first; why can’t we fill our minds with that first before we even think of something else? Truly, success and money or fame and fortune are nothing but artificial and without the spiritual balance, can lead to the hazards of life. In a golf course, I have no doubt Tiger can extricate himself and find a way to win when confronted with many hazards. Such a talent cannot help him in dealing with life and family hazards. I can only hope he finds the right path, one that does not ensure winning major championships but can win his family back.

From now on, I will be rooting for Phil Michelson. He knows more about family than some other guys. I do think that 2010 is Phil’s year. GO GET THEM, PHIL!


Anonymous said...

for a while i thought you really did !!!

Ken Agustin said...

Too bad I'm not blonde.
